Friday, May 8, 2009


Remember how it all went wrong

I caught your lie
and u wrote a song

I said good bye
and u wrote a song

I cried too often
and u wrote a song

I drove down below
and u wrote a song

I puked rainbows
I stole the show
I never ever believed
and u wrote a song

Then broke the glass of green wine
and u wrote a song saying everything was fine
The road beneath my head went high
and u wrote a song of surprised sigh
The skin on smokers mime was shed
and u wrote a song on how u bled
The  desire was to be left in this bliss
and u wrote a song about the life u miss
I felt it in my fingers, I felt it in my toes
and u wrote a song about the sham king's woes

So I hum
I purred
I trilled
and I trolled
past the division bell's dong
And you know why I left it behind

Why I never sang all along
Well your song in the birth of tears
I fear was far too long...

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